Monday, January 3, 2011


This is the time of year when people consider making changes in their lives. Some make New Year's resolutions; others prefer to set goals. Whatever you do, here are some suggestions for your success.

First, consider if this is a true goal or more of a wish or desire with few if any plans to act toward accomplishing it. If it is just wishful thinking, acknowledge it as such so you don't stress or feel guilty about not taking action or achieving the result.

If you are really serious about taking action, consider the following goal guidelines.
1. Make your goal realistic.
2. Make your goal measurable. For example, losing weight is too general. How would you know that you have actually accomplished it? Be specific enough that any observer can tell if you have accomplished it. For example, specify the amount of weight you want to lose. Set a target date by which you plan to achieve this goal or step.
3. Break your longer term goal down into smaller achievable steps.
4. Start with making one change at a time, continuing to act upon it even if you slip up now and then. Forgive yourself for slipping up and choose again in the next moment to act differently. Change happens by adding up consistent choices in each moment.
5. Move on to the next step once the first change is a regular part of your routine.
6. Acknowledge successes, regardless of how small.
7. Avoid beating yourself up for not accomplishing your goal. If you keep trying without succeeding then re-evaluate your goal to see if it is really something you can commit to or if it falls more into the realm of a wish.
8. Write down your goal or share it with a supportive friend. You are more likely to achieve goals when you are committed enough to share it with others.
Best wishes for achieving your goal! Feel free to comment on my blog or send me any questions.

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