Sunday, April 11, 2010


Though I do not cover them other than a brief mention in my book, the following deserve inclusion as tools for managing stress. Some of these require a significant commitment of time and/or money but when you can manage to take advantage of them they will assist you in stress reduction.

The first of these is meditation. There are many forms of meditation, which is why I don't cover them in my book. Instead I talk about mindfulness, quieting the mind, and relaxation all of which are a part of meditation but can be separated out into briefer techniques. Meditation is helpful in centering and balancing your life so that you can deal with stress more effectively.

A second tool useful for reducing stress is massage. There are many types and durations of massage. Besides the longer full body massage there are now therapists who are set up or come in to offer shorter more targeted massages, such as head, neck and shoulders.

Reiki is a full body hands-on treatment over a clothed person which works with a person's energy
and is used for balance, healing and promotion of harmony. The end result is similar to a full body massage in its relaxation but this modality addresses the body, mind, and spirit. Reiki is most effective in a series of treatments.

Yoga, Tai Chi, and QiGong are disciplines incorporating movement with breathing to help an individual achieve inner peace, balance and centering. Regular participation is required for full benefit.

Aromatherapy has become popular and many find its effects to be quite soothing. Whether this be true aromatherapy using essentials oils to promote psychological and physical well-being or a more broad use of aromas (candles, reed diffusers and the like) to produce a pleasing ambiance may be a personal preference.

Last, but certainly not least, is the benefit of having an animal for a pet. Cats, dogs and horses are all used in healing therapy, offering calm unconditional love and acceptance.

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