Just as some people smoke or drink to cope with stress, many people resort to eating, often comfort and junk food. While each of these may help the person feel better in the short term they also carry negative long-term consequences (dependence and addiction, weight gain).
The first step in making any change is to become aware of the behavior when it occurs. One of the most effective tools for developing awareness is to keep a diary or log of everything you eat. Many will be surprised by the results since much eating behavior is done without conscious thought. Write down what you eat and when. Also record any emotions you feel at the time. Notice if you are truly hungry. Some people eat when they are bored, stressed, watch TV, or as a reward for getting through the day. The key in keeping this record is to identify the emotional need that is being met by eating.
Once you have identified the emotional need think of what else you could do to satisfy this need. It is difficult to give up eating without having alternative behaviors that can meet the same need.
Next would be to plan the specific action you intend to take instead of eating when the emotion arises. THE POWER TO CHANGE IS IN THE MOMENT BETWEEN AWARENESS OF THE NEED AND THE CONSCIOUS CHOICE MADE IN RESPONSE. It is a moment to moment choice. You will choose the new behavior at times and will most likely choose the eating behavior at other times. This is OK. Be kind to yourself as you make your new choices. Don't give up or beat yourself up for slipping unconsciously or consciously. Own your power to make a new choice in each new moment. Gradually you can change your behavior and build a new habit by increasing the frequency and consistency in making your new choices.
You may wish to have more than one alternate behavior. At times you may choose to take a walk; sometimes you may wish to get involved with some activity requiring mental concentration. I like to work puzzles. If needed, call and talk to someone.
Finally, it is important to acknowledge yourself for your success. Don't wait until the end. Give yourself some acknowledgment with each alternate positive choice. This may be some self talk with positive words, an actual physical pat on your back/shoulder, or doing something (other than eating) that makes you feel good.
Good luck! Please feel free to comment with your own successes or challenges. Sharing what works for you may indeed be what could help another.
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
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